Geriatric Care
If your pet’s muzzle grays, he is likely entering his senior years. For example, the standard life expectancy for senior dogs varies by breed and size. But pet owners should watch out for signs of aging and take the necessary steps to best care for their old dog. If you care for an aging pet, making small changes in the pet’s lifestyle, special veterinary care, and minor changes to the home environment can go a long way in helping him live a healthier and more comfortable life.
In general, we recommend that you do a blood test to check the health of your old dog to measure their white and red blood cells and to check their kidney and liver function. It is an easy way to diagnose any disease.
At Toronto North Animal Hospital, we will test your old pet using modern scientific methods and help him to live a more comfortable old age. We also give you particular recommendations to take better care of your pet.

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Toronto North Animal Hospital is proud to serve North York, ON MN N, Canada and surrounding areas. We are dedicated to providing the highest level of veterinary medicine along with friendly, compassionate service.

We are working for
the community
Everything Your pet
needs in one place
What Our Clients Say


Amin N

Anna Solovao
At Toronto North Animal Hospital, we work around the clock to provide the best services to our dear clients. Our love for animals drives us to do our best. We’re not afraid to roll on the floor with a puppy, and we love the kitties that greet us daily. With initiative, positivity and sincerity, we strive to bridge the gap between humans and pets and focus on their health to establish a better and stronger relationship because we consider animals family members.
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Our love for animals drives us to do our best. We are not afraid to roll on the floor with a puppy and we love the kitties that greet us daily. With initiative, positivity, and sincerity, we strive to bridge the gap between humans and pets and focus on their health to establish a better and stronger relationship because we consider animals family members. Choosing a veterinary clinic significantly impacts the health of animals, so be careful when choosing.